--- title: "NEW: Store shiny app visitor views, likes and followers using shinyStorePlus 1.3" author: "Obinna N. Obianom" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{NEW: Store shiny app visitor views, likes and followers using shinyStorePlus 1.3} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## The Importance of Visitor Data in Shiny Apps and the Corresponding Functionality that shinyStorePlus Provides **Understanding how users interact with your Shiny app is crucial for its success.** By tracking visitor views, visitor likes, and visitor followers, you gain valuable insights into user engagement and preferences. This data allows you to: * **Measure app reach and impact:** Track the number of users visiting your app to understand its overall reach and impact. * **Identify popular features and content:** Analyze which app components receive the most views and likes to identify popular features and content that resonate with users. * **Target your audience effectively:** Leverage visitor data to understand your user demographics and tailor your app's content and functionality to their specific needs and interests. * **Improve user experience:** Use visitor data to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall user experience of your Shiny app. **RPKG has revolutionized the way developers can store and analyze visitor data in R-based Shiny apps.** With the `shinyStorePlus` R package, you can easily track views, likes, and followers, providing powerful and user-friendly features for data collection and analysis. This functionality empowers developers to gain deeper insights into user behavior, optimize their apps, and ultimately deliver a more engaging and valuable experience for their users. ### Demo app: https://rpkg.shinyapps.io/shiny-app-views-likes-followers/ ## Example of storing View, User likes and followers ``` library(shiny) library(shinyStorePlus) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Simplified shiny app storage of views, likes and followers"), initStore("all",rpkg.api.key = "c20c5eead7714c119dd3f20bd249a388e72db2aa0f9305d0380b683a37c5296a"), h2("Save App Views"),hr(), viewsBox("viewsshow","loading views..."), h2("Save App Likes, and allow user to Like!"),hr(), lfButton("liket",suffix="likes"), h2("Save App Followers, and allow user to Follow!"),hr(), lfButton("followt",suffix="followers"), hr(),p(p(i("Like or Follow and Refresh the page - the values are saved and the views are incremented."))) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { # set up views, likes and follows, leave as NULL if you don't need tracking for either # in this case, we leave followID as NULL since we don't need to use that setupRPKG(viewsID = "viewsshow", likesID = "liket", followID = "followt") } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(launch.browser = TRUE,shiny.port =7171)) ```