Package: quickcode 1.0.5

Obinna Obianom

quickcode: Quick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better Scripts

The NOT functions, 'R' tricks and a compilation of some simple quick plus often used 'R' codes to improve your scripts. Improve the quality and reproducibility of 'R' scripts.

Authors:Obinna Obianom [aut, cre], Brice Richard [aut]

quickcode.pdf |quickcode.html
quickcode/json (API)

# Install 'quickcode' in R:
install.packages('quickcode', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



7.76 score 5 stars 6 packages 7 scripts 777 downloads 124 exports 10 dependencies

Last updated 2 days agofrom:95c86fe387. Checks:6 OK, 2 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 17 2025



Introducing the Nullish coalescing operator in the quickcode R package

Rendered fromnullish_coalescing_operator_r.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-08-04
Started: 2024-07-30

Easily add today's date to filenames in R using quickcode package

Rendered fromadd_today_date_to_filenames_quickcode.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-05
Started: 2024-05-05

Function that allows you to track usage of other functions

Rendered fromtrack_function_usage_r.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-09-01
Started: 2024-09-01

NOT functions, is.log, is.poisson, is.weibull, date3to1, genRandImg, vector_shuffle, data_pop, and init function amongst many great new functions in the quickcode R package

Rendered fromquickcode_r_introduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-05
Started: 2023-07-28

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
simple function chaining routine%.% chain_sep
Not in vector or array%nin%
Add index keys to a vector or data frame or list or matrixadd_key indexed
Addin snippet function to add header comment to a current opened fileadd.header
Addin snippet function to custom section commentadd.sect.comment
Snippet R function to clear console and set directoryadd.snippet.clear
Prompt guided duplication and editing of filesai.duplicate
Listing of all CRAN archived R packagesarchivedPkg
Convert boolean values between formatsas.boolean
Generate a bionic textbionic_txt
Convert Categorical Values to Numeric Improvement to seq_along()cat_to_num cat_to_num2
Combine specific functions as store as one functionchain_func
Clear environment, clear console, set work directory and load filesclean clear
Compare histograms of two distributionscompHist
Mathematical constantsconst
Remove last n rows or column or specified elements from a data frame like array_pop in PHPdata_pop
Remove elements from a data matching filterdata_pop_filter
Add data to another data like array_push in PHPdata_push
Duplicate a data rows or columns X timesdata_rep
Shuffle a data frame just like shuffle in PHPdata_shuffle
Combine vector to create Date, or split Date into vectordate1to3 date3to1
Duplicate a file with global text replacementduplicate
Error coalescing operator%eo% error.out
Extract all comments or functions from a fileclean_file extract_comment get_func_def remove_comment remove_content_in_quotes
Extract all IP addresses from a stringextract_IP
Append date to filenamefAddDate
Fetch R package based on keywordfind_packages
Calculate geometric coefficient of variation, mean, or SD and geo.mean
Extract all dates from a stringgetDate
Fetch GitHub Repository Creation & Last Updated DategetGitRepoChange getGitRepoStart
Convert Dates into Numeric Week CountsgetWeekSeq is.Date is.leap not.Date
Check if a call or expression produces errorshas.error
Snippet function to add header to a current Rmd opened fileheader.rmd
If number falls within a range of values and get closest valuesin.range
Increment vector by valueinc
Initialize new variables and objectsinit
Shiny app function to insert string to current file in RStudioinsertInText
Is file name extension(s) an imageis.image
Check is numbers in a vector are decreasing or increasingis.decreasing is.increasing
Check if a data fits the distributiongetDistribution is.cauchy is.gamma is.logistic is.lognormal is.normal is.poisson is.uniform is.weibull setDisAlpha unsetDisAlpha
Go back to previous directorylastwd
Load specific R libraries and clear environmentlibraryAll
Add elements to a list like array_push in PHPlist_push
Shuffle a list object just like shuffle in PHPlist_shuffle
Miscellaneous math computations: Corresponding m-m and quantile for confident math.qt
Decrease vector by valueminus
Mix or Blend two or more colorsmix.color
Mix or Blend colors between two or more colorsmix.cols.btw
Mutate only a subset of dataset intactmutate_filter
Count the number of decimal placesndecimal
Create and use a super variable with unique capabilitiesnewSuperVar
Not a
Not duplicated elementsnot.duplicated
Not emptyis.empty not.empty
Not an environmentnot.environment
Not existsnot.exists
File name extension(s) is Not an imagenot.image
Not inherit from any of the classes specifiednot.inherits
Not an integernot.integer
Not logicalnot.logical
Not NULLnot.null
Not numericnot.numeric
Not a vectornot.vector
Generate a random number (integer)number
Nullish coalescing operator%or% or
Calculate the distance of points from the center of a clusterpairDist
Function to calculate the percentage of matching between two strings%match% percent_match sound_match
Increment vector by valueplus
Generate a random stringrandString
R Color Constantrcolorconst
Check whether an R package has been decommissioned in CRANrDecomPkg
Read a CSV and preview first X rows and columnsread.csv.print
Read in a table and show first X rows and columnsread.table.print
Clear environment, clear console, set work directory and load filesrefresh
Re-sample a dataset by column and return number of entry neededsample_by_column
Set a variable only oncesetOnce
Sort vector by length or file types of its contentsort_file_type sort_length
Split a string of values and return as boolean vectorstrsplit.bool
Split a string of numbers and return as numeric vectorstrsplit.num
Get all the environment objects and their sizessummarize.envobj
Switch the index of two columns in a data setswitch_cols
Switch the index of two rows in a data setswitch_rows
Track Function Usage and Performancetrack_func
Combine unique() and length()unique_len
Remove last n elements or specified elements from a vector like array_pop in PHPvector_pop
Add elements to a vector like array_push in PHPvector_push
Shuffle a vector just like shuffle in PHPvector_shuffle
Convert Yes/No to Binary or LogicalyesNoBool
Calculates Z-Scores of a distributionzscore zscoreGrowthCurve